We supply these kits to Universities and Schools in bulk. They are great for Engineering students and Robotics clubs that are focusing on Arduino and electronics.
About Arduino
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP). The open-source IDE can be downloaded for free (currently support Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux).
Packing List:
1. 5V stepper motor
2. 5V stepper motor driver board
3. 1602LCD screen
4. Tri-color SMD
5. button
6. 4 * 4 Matrix Keyboard
7. jumper wires
8. Infrared receiver
9. LM35
10. flame sensor
11. USB cable
12. HC-SR04 sensor
13. RFID red plate
14. 5K adjustable potentiometer
15. HHC small motor
16. digital tube (2 types)
17. 8 * 8 dot matrix
18. LED (white/yellow/green/red)
19. Black rocker
20. UNO R3 – 328P with CH340 Chip
21. White card
22. Active buzzer
23. Passive buzzer
24. 10K adjustable potentiometer
25. MAX7219 IC
26. 9g servos
27. Single 5V relay
28. 40 pin straight needle
29. 40 pin looper
30. Female-female DuPont line
31. 830 holes Breadboard
32. 6 AA battery holder
33. 595IC
34. 1K resistor
35. 10K resistor
36. 220ohm resistor