The dual controller module L298N can be used to control two DC motors from 3 to 30V or a bipolar stepper motor. The jumpers that activate the motors must be left in place when connecting a stepper motor. In the case of connecting DC motors, the output is connected to PWM to control the speed of the motors. The logic operation of the controller requires a minimum voltage of + 5v DC, although the board supports up to a maximum of 25V and 2A. In the case of connecting the controller to a power outlet of more than 12V, the jumper marked “12V jumper” must be removed, this will enable the use of a supply current greater than 12V and will allow the input connection of 5V for the logical operation of the controller. In case of using a voltage of up to 12V, the «12V jumper» jumper must be connected, this will allow 6-12V power and enable 5V output to power other devices that do not consume more than 500mA.
In no case should the controller be powered with 5V if the jumper «12V jumper» is connected since in that case the controller would go short and burn, invalidating the warranty.
- Master chip: L298N
- Logic voltage: 5v
- Logic current: 0mA-36mA
- Size:43*43*27mm
Packing List:
- 1x H-Bridge Stepper Motor Controller L298N